Election Season and a Front Row Seat: What I'm Learning At My Job

I'm in Iowa this week for business! There are so many reasons why I love my job at Tyler, but this week has been a special experience being onsite at the County Office buildings on Election Day with so many of the elected officials. Many people planned late nights to watch the results roll in and there was a constant flow of friendly "good luck" quips throughout the halls. Politics isn't for everyone and even if all you do is your civic duty of voting every November 4th, make it count and learn to appreciate your civil servants!
  1. Don't judge quickly
    • The political ads and single policy platforms make it too easy to pick sides with little further thinking. Feel strongly about one issue and you can be blinded by how they react to other issues that they will undoubtedly be voting on. Sure it seems like 6 of one 1/2 dozen of the other but don't make it a coin flip!
  2. Be in their shoes
    • The data and opinions that these people work with every day are strong. It can be hard to stay the course and finish the goals you started with such opposition. I bring lots of change into the office with my company's software and the officials' patience is commendable. They really are cool and collected while faced with the opposition of people and technology that they don't understand. In their shoes I would be much more difficult to work with!
  3. Trust they are doing their best
    • Every action in the office is because the officials care about doing things right. I've seen the officials protect the county by being overly protective of confidential information, being picky about how information is transferred, and question requested changes to the process. It may seem silly and annoying from my perspective but at the same time it reaffirms my faith in the political system. They really do have your back in the way they look out for the public and trust the law.
Congratulations to the reelected and newly elected leaders for 2015!

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