Not unlike many Americans, I am allergic to nickel. Most people discover this when they pierce their ears but for me I guess it must be a pretty high sensitivity because even the metal grommets on the corners of jean pockets make me break out in an itchy terrible rash. Why are they even on there!?! So I have a few options, cover/replace the metal or buy only pants without metal rivets; and you'd be surprised by how frustrating an experience it is! Aren't there other methods of sewing pocket corners? Why don't jeans companies change?
  1. That's the way its been done since 1872
    • To be fair, they probably buy this item by the tonne and probably pay fractions on the penny for each pair of jeans that use them. They are part of the esteemed supply chain and hard to change. But wouldn't they save millions more by not having them at all? Look at the business potential!
  2. It's a fashion statement
    • I've seen tons of jeans with metal rivet designs covering entire pockets and some going up and down the pant leg. Where is the originality in that? Get out of the ordinary box and look for creativity that doesn't fit in with the expectations of others... including your competitors.
  3. Reinforcement of weak points
    • Sure, you can try and argue that there is a risk of pants splitting, tearing, and fraying at these critical junctions. The fact thought is I have yet to experience anything beyond normal wear and year of wearing jeans, a hearty material in the first place. The right thing to do though in making a good product is to meet project needs and not overspend or over-deliver the original project scope.
If you know of a brand that consistently doesn't put metal grommets or rivets on them, please let me know below in the comments!!!
One of the toughest parts of my new job, or really any job, is talking a client out of something they want. Whether that is a process they don't want to change, a product they don't want to upgrade, or the color of a feature, when you know what you want, you want it! And sometimes it doesn't matter what it takes to get it. But other times? It does. What do you think about these probing questions?
  1. Why do you use it that way now?
    • Sometimes the answer is "because I've always done it this way" but whether the answer is a good one or not, it tells you where the stubbornness is coming from. Is it resistance to change that simply needs an emotional padding? Or is it a key factor in the efficiency of another integrated part of the business?
  2. How much more will you pay for that?
    • Put the ball back in their side of the court and say, "Sure, but it will cost you this much extra". If the want is important enough, no matter how "silly" you might feel it is, the truth may come out when you ask them to prioritize funding. Money can brings out the best (and worst) of people so let it do the talking!
  3. Given the options, what would you prefer?
    • Sometimes it is simply the Paradox of Choice that you need to control. Having too many options or too few options that lead to unhappy customers. Simplify! If you break it down and give only 2 or 3 choices, some of the natural stress is reduced. Then together you can look at the options in an objective way and make intelligent decisions that work for both sides.
VERY excited for football season this year and also pretty stoked to join my first money pool Fantasy Football league at work. Our draft party was Tuesday and was loads of fun mixed with stress. Next month my team has our quarterly summit and the team collaboration in planning events is really similar. These events are meant to be team-building activities whether you are life-long friends or just a group of people that just met. How else can you cram that many people in the same room towards the same goal?
  1. Common passion
    • Football fans may have loyalty to teams or players, but at the heart of it they just love watching the game. Team members may have various experience levels and motivations but everyone does want to do their jobs better. Whether that means a happier customer, a bigger paycheck, or self gratification these summit gatherings are great venues for learning!
  2. Friendly competition
    • Is your star player hurt this week? Is your quarterback not hitting his numbers? Even with a low scoring game, did you still beat your weekly competitor? Strengths and weaknesses of each person come alive but there are never hurt feelings in a game of fantasy football. At business summits, everyone is in the same room so there is no fingers pointed or negative lessons. Instead there is a focus on setting a good example, running through simulations, and brainstorming. Everyone contributes and everyone wins!
  3. Good food
    • I don't care who you are, free food is a instant magnet. If you have that pizza smell wafting through the halls, the people will come. Filling tummies always makes people happy and amiable and so whether you are yelling at a TV or brainstorming as a team, the added element of food will encourage attendance and involvement.
Go Broncos! (and now also BG QB Aaron Rogers)
The past two weekends have been filled with nostalgia and reminiscing at my High School Reunion events and I must say it was an adventure learning about each other again. There are so many things that don't matter as kids that make up who you are now. New things you have in common and new things that grow you apart from each other. The variations were amazing to see. Some people turn out exactly as you expect and others went in a completely opposite direction. By only having two data points (with occasional impersonal facebook posts in between) 10-years apart, what can we learn from each other at these snapshots?
  1. Your Comfort Zone
    • I was amazed how many people return to their home town. They leave for a variety of reasons but the place you know best and feel most in control might just always be the place you grew up. I'm not one of those people, but I think it tells you about how fast people adapt to change. How fast can you trust new relationships and build new daily routines? But even if your zip code stays the same, people can stretch themselves in different ways.
  2. Comfortable with Your Status
    • My limited experience with these reunions is that they are in large part about measuring up and showing how well you doing. You have to be confident in yourself almost to a fault to feel "good enough" and show your face to old peers. The status quo may have changed but new opinions, stereotypes, and egos form very quickly. Are they even still your peers? Some people have taken such different paths to happiness you can't fairly judge.
  3. Your Own Comfortable Shoes
    • Hey, there is always the 20-year reunion, right? A lot of life happens in-between so even if you were jealous, impressed, deflated, or proud you now have another 10 years to make changes. It gives you a chance to look at yourself and your dreams and get re-energized. I mean, you did just face your high school friends so you can take on any thing now! So don't put yourself if their shoes; put on your own and go on another adventure!
Okay? The honest part? I didn't go. I didn't go to the planned events and instead did a Girl Scout Troop reunion. Even doing what I love with the smaller group, I still felt like I got a full dose of all of this. What happened at your high school reunion?
I took on an ambitious project this summer and maybe I should have taken my own mascara advice here, but it is taking a lot more work (read time and money) than anticipated doing it all by myself so far. But in building a deck, I uncovered a 5-year old (or more) glove! No body attached as far as can tell, but it wasn't fun pulling it out of my post hole.
Buried old leather glove... that wasn't mine
Surprises like these definitely give us a new perspective on our surroundings! We start looking at every detail like a paranoid Sherlock Holmes or Adrian Monk. I don't think this new fear gives us heightened senses but the following reactions might give us insight into ourselves and how we deal with tough situations anywhere!
  1. Slow down
    • Now more aware, we become cautious and move slower. Whether we saw a spider, hear a noise downstairs, or got close to missing a finger on the saw it boils your blood and puts you on alert. It helps us realize that sometimes getting things done right is better than getting things done on time.
  2. Question everything
    • All of a sudden ordinary things take on abnormal forms (i.e. "that rock... it kind of looks finger-shaped...). After closer inspection of course, it is just a rock but you had your doubts! Why do we become so skeptical about everything? By making less assumptions and reexamining the simple things we can become more receptive to change and avoid small surprises in the future.
  3. Feel thankful
    • When you are faced with the possibility of worst case, you rethink your actual situation and feel relieved that it is the way it is. Whether good karma or something else, you stop taking things for granted and that awareness makes you kinder to those around you. Acknowledging the work of others will always be appreciated!
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