Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Other Die
by: Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Did you know that “Nice guys finish last” was a misquote from a baseball manager? A “sticky” idea, no matter if it was intended or not, can help you be SUCCESsful – as long as it still communicates your core values and message. The book gives 5 ways that, combined, can give you the best chance of creating an idea that is made to stick.
  • Simple – How can you tell if something is simple enough to stick? “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Define and describe your core message in as few words as possible, maybe with alliteration or something catchy, to find its essence. The authors gave the example: Alien is Jaws on a spaceship. Genius!
  • Unexpected – A great way to surprise your audience is to do a twist on an already sticky and popular quip like “The only constant is change…” (Isaac Asimov). Knowing the knowledge base of your audience is key to surprising them. Humans know what the color blue is and what bubblegum tastes like so when a girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory turns blue from roast beef flavored gum, we remember it!
  • Concrete – To be concrete you need to keep to the facts. A goal of being the “best” or “most efficient” can mean different things to different people. Using words like “bigger than Google” or “99 cents cheap” however creates common ground. Many times putting yourself in someone else’s shoes helps you understand what concrete data means the most to your customers or your manager.
  • Credible – Being specific with statistics is not always enough. To get people to believe that your story applies to them and their situation, you need to break down the facts into something that can be grasped. The authors recommend the Sinatra Test of “If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere.” So give one plausible example, whether negative or positive, that makes the audience believe your credentials are true for any situation.
  • Emotional – We are all too familiar with the “What’s in it for me?” question so make it a habit to get them to care before they ask for it. This was an interesting chapter because it rejected Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Money is not always a motivator and neither is self-interest so evoking a memorable feeling may be more difficult than you think!
  • Stories – Everyone knows the Jared and Subway story and knows how a powerful story is worth repeating. The authors provide 3 types of plots that work well: challenge (near impossible “David and Goliath”), connection (building an unusual “Romeo and Juliet” relationship), and creativity (involve the listener in solving an “Indiana Jones” puzzle).
Not only is this a great book with decent recommendations of how to make something stick, but the book itself is a great example of something sticky. The book is filled with a simple “sticky” concept, capable applications, well-known brand examples, heartfelt questions, and stories in every chapter. I’d recommend this book to anyone seeking something to spruce up a presentation, document, or task.

I enjoyed reading this article by Brad Hoover this week about the most dangerous word being "try" because it "simply shows a lack of belief, passion, commitment, and confidence". It is hard to disagree with this claim, but I'm going to argue that "tomorrow" is the most dangerous word to use. Such as in the statement "I'll do it tomorrow", tomorrow is not a three-letter-word but I think it one of the worst words you can use.
  1. Procrastinating
    • Maybe "later" or "never" is more accurate? The "I'll do it tomorrow" just rolls off the tongue and is so easy to discard and forget until a later date. You don't really mean tomorrow, you just mean "not today".
  2. Not admitting fear
    • Usually when we use the word tomorrow we are referring to starting something or finishing something. You may want to take a harder look at how often you hear this and if there is a trend. Is the assignment itself what you are avoiding? Or is it simply a bad habit you have formed that stands between you and success?
  3. Avoiding action
    • It can be even more serious if it is when you are waiting for someone else to do it entirely. It is like blaming your bad day on luck or hoping to win the lottery to relieve your credit card debt. You don't believe you have any control and simply wait around for someone to come change it for you or that the problem will just disappear on its own. Bad idea! Take charge!
Try means you are admitting failure before you even start and not giving full effort whereas tomorrow means you are waiting for someone else to point out your failure!

And can you image the combination of these two!?! "I'll try to get to that tomorrow." How horrendous! Approach each day and each task with a purpose and intention and you will see huge improvement. What is a word you wish you never had to hear at work or at home?
Brocade got a new CEO this week! A big welcome to Lloyd Carney and the coming growth of Brocade, SDN technology, and the networking industry. One of the best things in my opinion that Lloyd said about joining is his first order of business is to listen and learn. I completely respect that - how can you change for the better if you don't know what you are changing? It might be something that was better before you touched it! How can you prevent "bad change" from happening in your life?
  1. Ask
    • Listen and learn can be done through silent observation or a fully engaged rampage of questions. Asking questions is a better way to showing others respect and that you are open-minded. Oh, and smile! :-)
  2. Share
    • In most instances, our first impressions and gut-feelings have some serious control our ultimate final decisions. (Recommended read: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell) If you ever want to be convinced otherwise by real evidence, you need to talk aloud about your thoughts and ideas. Then you can learn if it's already been done before, if it has unforeseen road blocks, or there are modifications to your intended actions that can make the change even better than initially!
  3. Be accountable
    • Say what you mean and do what you say. Trust and respect is earned not given and even a stunning track record, a seasoned expert, or you, need to start on the right foot on Day 1 like it is Day 1. Otherwise, no matter what change you wish to implement it won't be accepted or executed.
I'd like to share one of my favorite quotes with you:
Change and rising expectations are the only constants in life.
(Peter Sheahan)
Do you agree with this? Do you think change is always good?
I made some changes! The title and description is now more about the INK part of an ink blot rather than the BLOT part. I feel like it better represents what topics the blog covers. Inspiration comes from the source rather than the result. I hope you continue to enjoy my blog and that it starts conversations rather than finishes them. What do you think?!
The last few days I've been contemplating on my own blog post How to Make the Best New Year's Resolutions this past week. It is hard to stay upbeat and positive when trying to determine your faults, slow down your dreams to reality, return to the struggles at work, (and deal with a sick boyfriend at home). I will say I have not done well with my own resolutions of waking up early to exercise in the new year yet and well, it has only been 7 days. So what do you do? Well, there is only one thing to do: keep starting over.

  1. Forgive but don't forget
    • You will keep failing if you keep holding grudges against yourself. Pick your favorite quote about not reliving the past, but make sure you don't leave the lessons learned in history too. We all make mistakes and the only way to do better next time is to fail a different way.
  2. Praise and punishment
    • One usually works better than the other, and if you've tried one and still failed, try the other. But regardless of whether you shower compliments or turn into a drill sergeant make sure your heart listens. Many times we stare at ourselves in the mirror and make promises that we don't believe ourselves. Trust yourself to know when to use the carrot or the stick and trust yourself to act on those threats and celebrations.
  3. Play with the band
    • There is no reason to go solo! It's pretty easy to find these teams too if you follow the hot trends. Talk about your resolutions with someone else - blog about it, talk to a mentor about it, tell a significant other about it, or a team of friends (new or old). Staying accountable and doing the first 2 items is easier with cheerleaders that are on the same side as you.
Who keeps you challenged? How do you stay motivated? What do you do to try, try, try, try again?
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