About Me

My Bio:
So if you want to be happy at work like I am, then thanks for being a reader! Even if you work 8-5 at a desk job, you can be successful. I work in the corporate environment and yet love my job. I work full time as an implementation consultant at Tyler Technologies. My background knowledge ranges from computer hardware, computer software, information technology, and engineering to business including project management, communications, and general management. I have a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering and an MBA from the University of Colorado. At home and in my free time, I like to drink beer, travel, read, hike with my dog, and play board games.
The Home Me

The Work Me

Why I Write:
There are lots of "get rich quick" schemes and they all entail a lot of risk. I am much more conservative and I know there are others like me that prefer to work "for the man". But even with a stable full time job, it's important to be active doing what you love and I love to write! Blogging is such a great medium for sharing knowledge, opinions, and inspiration. I hope that my stories and advice makes you smile or laugh and possibly even start thinking positive yourself!

Why You Should Write:
Write back! Tell me what challenges you are faced with and I'll blog about them. I also fully believe that experience is the best teacher so I love hearing and learning from the adventures of others.

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