I Can't Get Enough of It: Learning Lessons from What We Crave

Are you a perfectionist? Are you an addict? Everyone has something that they say "just one more" to. Maybe it is that favorite type of ice cream, that thrill feeling from roller coasters, or setting the perfect table for the once-a-year family gathering. What can you not get enough of and you have to use your strongest willpower to tell yourself to move on or that it is good enough. It is not always a bad characteristic to have, especially in a competitive work environment.
  1. It gives you options
    • When something isn't quite perfect, starting from scratch can be the fresh perspective you need to achieve that end result that you had in mind. Sometimes that means you have two finished products and you choose the best of two. When the final decision is not in your hands, this can often be to your advantage. You know it will change again after they see it anyways, am I right?
  2. It makes others smile
    • When you can't just let something rest and keep trying to make things even better, it is a great face for customer service. When providing support or making a sale, going the extra mile to deliver to the customer can mean referrals and positive reviews.
  3. It makes you busy
    • If you know how to tackle things yourself and fix things without the direction and/or approval of others, you will go far. Taking the initiative and not waiting on others means you are never short of things to do. To never be bored at work means you love your job and isn't that what we all aspire for?
An additional thought I'd like to say on this topic. If you know what things you have trouble saying "no" to because you love doing them, you know your true passions. Once you know them, have different passions in your work and your home. If I was to turn writing into a career, I think I'd be miserable. Instead the freedom fuels my love for it. The same goes for music. What is the magical passion for you?

Today's post is inspired by favorite read, Seth's Blog and another article about the Passion Trap with Mike Rowe.

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