I am a Feminist, A Solution, Part 1: Talking About Issues on Social Media

The unconscious bias against women's in the workplace is a subject near and dear to my heart that I know a lot of facts about and have experienced personally on many levels. Honestly we haven't made much progress in the last 40 years. Only 17% woman sit on Fortune 500 boards. The US is the only country to not have paid maternity leave. Woman are paid only $0.77 on the dollar compared to men's wages. So here is a 3-part blog post on some very unconventional thoughts I have on the matter.

I don't know how closely you follow social trends but the #whyileft and #heforshe twitter hashtags actually happened within the same weeks. One trying to tell men to not abuse their female partners and the other trying to tell men to support woman in the workplace more. Both of these issues, abuse and discrimination, occur simply because we are a different sex! It seems like a frustrating battle that keeps reoccurring with no actual long term change happening. Why? Here are a few things to think about:
  1. You're doing it wrong
    • No one likes to be told "no", "you're doing it wrong" or "stop doing that". No one and yet that is our message. Rape is bad; don't do it. Abuse is wrong; don't do it. Treating woman unequally isn't right; don't do it. This is a tough message to swallow if you are the target. Even though it is a good one, we need to instead offer alternatives. Instead of "don't do this" try a message of "do this". Tell people to give more compliments. Teach your kids to share their emotions out loud. Tell people to add child care services to the company benefits plan.
  2. I hear what you're saying, but
    • I think it is an important issue. You think it is an important issue. We are both active in making our personal lives not be filled with such hatred. That is all I can do, right? Some people think that there isn't a problem or if there is it isn't there problem. If think your vote doesn't counts, you don't act. If you yourself aren't surrounded by such situations, you don't speak out. Even if you aren't faced with the issue yourself, join the conversation. No matter how tough a subject is, the more we talk about it with others, the more chance we have of making a difference.
  3. Ignorance is bliss
    • Who is it you are trying to change behavior of? The ones that stick their fingers in their ears and sing "lalalalala" or point there fingers at others. The ones that aren't listening. The ones that don't think they have a problem. Abuse and discrimination can be very unconscious acts and soon become the norm. You don't know any other way! Show them another way. Flood the gossip channels with stories of working together, of happy families achieving their goals, or teams sharing passion.

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