I am a Feminist, A Solution, Part 2: Appeal to their Hearts

The argument we are preaching is to "change men" and get them to start caring about something that they just don't do [enough of] now. Instead of fighting for work equality, maybe we should encouraging them to join us on our side of the fence. Appeal to their already existing emotions and talk about what men already love: their families. We should tell men to do MORE of what they love rather than try to change it to be for working with women. Here's why I think this technique would be more effective:
  1. It's a selfish game
    • Men (and women) want to fight for their own success. It is a selfish game. It is a personal game. We can't ask them to give up their salaries for equal pay. We can't ask them to quit a job to stay home with the kids. We need to share the burden, together. Be an active participant in your kids lives and get the dads more involved... and not just on masculine tasks like taking out the trash and replacing light bulbs but also grocery shopping and hair brushing.
  2. The metrics don't lie
  3. Proven to work
    • In WWII men left for war. The barriers for woman doing hard labor left (literally). We (women) are asking for work-life balance and are fighting a one sided battle of getting working rights. Encourage men to spend more time at home raising their sons, raising their daughters. Then the opportunities for woman to pick up the slack in the work place will appear. Change the focus from the work environment to the home environment!
I bet as a consequence the nation would see a decrease in divorce rates and child depression/violence. When dads live at home versus away even makes an impact so can you image if they went to soccer games, took their kids fishing, and cooked dinner? Happy healthy kids, couples, and families!

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