3 Reasons Why My Dog is a Better Teammate Than You

I don't have any kids (yet) but I do have my hands full enough with two crazy pets: Rubix, a 3-year old Aussie mix, and Jones, the fluffiest orange cat you've ever seen. While on vacation, the pets were left with the best sitters, my parents, and even after two weeks, Rubix and Jones are still happy and jumpy, demanding unusual amounts of loving attention. I missed them too and nothing is more rewarding than ... freezing Colorado walks outside? ...
  1. High energy and enthusiasm
    • Rubix may try to convince you otherwise when held at a "sit-stay" command, but you should should never underestimate her hyperactivity. She always wants to win, and her determination in the way she chases a Frisbee or squeaks rubber toys is unwavering. I challenge every team member to have the same positive attitude every second of every day. 
  2. Unforgiving reminders
    • Rubix is not the most patient dog in the world. Nope. When she is hungry it must be food time even if it is 2 hours early according to MST. But that impatience can actually be an asset that team members lack when faced with project deadlines. People make honest mistakes, forget things, or struggle with juggling tasks. Constant and repetitive reminders (whether two or five or more times) are essential for success. It reminds us just how important our work is to others. I bet no one can do that as persistent as my dog.
  3. Opportunistic
    • Rubix is always watching your every move and tries to anticipate the next opportunity of a new command, thrown ball, or FedEx delivery. She learns what types of signals to look for that mean something is changing and tries to adjust quickly in order to still catch the ball or jump on the unsuspecting visitor. She's not afraid to change her ball-catching strategy and I wish team members would be as receptive to change.
And the cat, Jones? He just scowls around the house meow-meow-meowing looking for your lap to sit in. :-)  Do your pets have traits that you wish your coworkers would adopt? Share in the comments!

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  1. Allowing sufficient nape time: My dogs let me take midafternoon naps without any complaining or comments, and we all know that sufficient rest and sleep is imperative for efficient work. Of course, they also let me know when naptime is over and put me back to work right away.

    1. I agree - dogs really are the best at holding us accountable! Good one.


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