Laugh about the Holidays - 3 Ways to Relax during December

The holidays aren't too stressful for me and my house this year since there will only be four of us, but some how I'm still not ready for the festivities. Still on the "to do" list? Menu planning, light hanging, present wrapping, and constantly chasing the cat out of the tree. That's pretty much all of it, isn't it?

Whether you have 20+ people or 2, started planning in July or still procrastinating ("I'll get it done next weekend"), or celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah, there is enough stress surrounding the month of December to make up for the rest of the year. So here are some comical tips to relax a little!
  1. Stuff your face
    • There is always tons of food: Christmas cookies, Starbucks eggnog lattes, and your relative's French style of cooking. For one, you don't have to talk or answer awkward family questions if your mouth is full. And another thing is you don't have to worry about calories because New Year's Resolutions are in just a week and you can restart your weight loss goals then.
  2. Blast music
    • My least favorite thing about this time of year are the roads. Even if you avoid the malls and shops, everyone is in a hurry on the crowded and reckless roads and if you add snow then something naughty is bound to happen. My remedy is blasting Christmas music in your car and singing badly along with it. Then maybe after the 3 minutes of "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" your car will seem that much closer to your freeway exit.
  3. Sleep in
    • What better way to prepare for Christmas insomnia than complete ignorance? There is nothing that makes me feel better when it is snowing crazy outside than staying in bed until 11 am... or so. It is warm and quiet. Where else can you find your sanity and relax this time of year?
An entire month of guiltless consumer spending only comes once a year, right? So take advantage of it and blame Christianity for your credit card debt. Or, sign up for one of my favorite newsletters from Daily Worth for actual advice.

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