A Year in Review: 3 Trends of 2013

And the winning blog post this year? *Drum roll by the little drummer boy* My China adventure! Thanks to all of my readers, twitter followers, Linkedin connections, friends and family for being there through thick and thin. As the end of the year is fast approaching it is rewarding to look back at your accomplishments during 2013. Happy holidays everyone!!!
  1. Staying grounded
  2. Continuous learning
    • Not only did I complete my MBA this year, but I read a record number of books! Really that's not saying much but I realized that I only wrote reviews on a fraction of them. Let me know if there are any books on this list that you'd like me to write about!
        1. Ready Player One
        2. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
        3. Lean In
        4. Bossypants
        5. Three Cups of Tea
        6. Success Built to Last
        7. What the Best CEOs Know
        8. How the Mighty Fall
        9. Good to Great
        10. The E-Myth Revisited
        11. Linchpin
        12. Enchantment
        13. The Power of Habit
        14. Made to Stick
  3. Staying positive
I look forward to another full year of blogging and sharing my thoughts with you. Post a comment below!
I am one "smart cookie"!

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