About Being a Patriot: Loyalty at Work

Happy Fourth of July! I hope you all enjoyed a little break and some time in the sun over the holiday weekend, as did I. I find it kind of ironic that most of us dawn our red, white, and blue pride only a few times a year. What about pride for your company? Do you ever dress for success complete with insignia as a loyal employee? Maybe it is a fashion statement, or maybe you have one foot out the door...
  1. Loyalty doesn't stop on the weekends
    • Are you a workaholic? Why? Is it because you believe in your work, a task (any task!), or trying to escape another problem elsewhere. On the other hand, you could be biting at the bullet at 4:30 waiting for the clock to skip by the minutes. Believing in your work means you put your full time in and deliver results that matter, even sometimes above other things.
  2. Pride doesn't choose its company
    • If you are with coworkers, home with friends and family, or at a conference abroad, true pride shouldn't waver. If you are proud of what you do and what your company stands for, than the message should never change.
  3. It is a long term commitment
    • There is usually a reason you became enamored with a company, cause, or person the first time. But once the honeymoon phase wears off, true commitment is what is left. Loyalty usually means you are in it for the long haul and will stick it out through a few ups and downs.
Many people show their US patriotism by joining the armed forces; some just vote every year. What keeps you coming back for more? Is there someone you know that is extremely committed to a company or a cause and isn't afraid to show it often?

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