Ender's Game: 3 Things to do when real life isn't a game

I enjoy a good movie, but usually from the comfort of my couch at home, not a movie theatre. At home there is a dog, a beer, and slippers that will make even C-rated movies watchable. So the fact that I even went to a theatre to watch this movie is a feat. I have read the books by Orson Scott Card and loved the SciFi story, and am happy to report that the movie was good too. Like any good movie, you can't help getting sucked into the emotional turmoil that Ender feels at the end. It got me thinking about when I've felt like that and what could better the situation. In business, we don't always know the answers or have all of the information, so how can we deal with that? Here's some thoughts:
  1. Know what you can and cannot change
    • The best advice in business is to "know what you don't know". Know when to sit back, know when to speak up, and know the difference between the two. For me, I get frustrated when I know that I don't have all the facts but I have to relax a bit and do the best with what I have and still drive to deliver results. You are only one piece of the puzzle but you can do a lot with that one piece.
  2. Trust your teammates to make the best choices
    • It is tough sometimes to hand over the reigns. Whether a manager or a new hire, if someone else is responsible for summing up a team's work, you have to feel comfortable that they can do a good job. Respect is not something to expect with a position or title but instead should be something you work with your team to earn. By proving your abilities in small projects, when you get in a tough spot your followers will stand behind you because you stood up for them previously.
  3. Accept the hard truth
    • The Dodo bird is extinct. The Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. Yes, you did eat that cookie at lunch when you shouldn't have. By not living in denial, you can systematically look at the situation, the outcome, and move on. Take the lessons learned and look forward rather than trying to redo the past, blame someone else, or attempt to reason your way through your mistakes.
What were your thoughts on the movie? On the book? Have you ever found yourself surprised and faced with a hard reality at work or at home and what did you do about it? Tell me your story!

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