Holiday Lights: 3 Types of People that Celebrate

I love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday. I can think of nothing better but time off with my family to eat good food, give and receive gifts, and all the pageantry of the Christmas season like wrapped presents, baking cookies, and putting up the tree. And with it getting dark so early, the decorations of Christmas lights is the only thing that keeps me going.
  1. Nearly nothing
    • We know you are either too lazy or scared to do much else than change a light bulb. I like to think that rather than being a Grinch these people are celebrating inside their homes and hearts. These are like introvert party goers. Even if they don't party like we do, they can still have a good time even if they don't show it.
  2. Overly done
    • I'm not sure why you like the blowup sleigh and countless moving reindeer and elves but there must be a reason you like to go above and beyond. Like posting too much on facebook, sharing with others is part of the activity. Their philosophy is if you're happy and you know it, tell the world!
  3. Joint simplicity
    • I love seeing a street with the outline of each house lit up. The whole neighborhood display shows everyone's unique house and light choices and it contributes to a bigger picture of what Christmas means to me. Keeping it simple and doing something special once a year is a beautiful way to silently tell those driving by that they've got it good.
Happy holidays too to the Hanukah, Kwanza and other religious and non-religious holiday celebrators. I hope you enjoy the lights as much as I do! 

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