3 Ways to Celebrate: My Dad's Retirement!

I am often INsprired by the milestones of those around me and this week is a very special one - my dad is retiring! It is a very exciting milestone and turning point in your life when those you love retire and can leave the stresses of work behind and spend time doing what they love. I got to spend a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family and my dad's retirement is one of many reasons we are thankful this year. When thinking about the impact of life's events, there are many ways to celebrate!
  1. Remembering back
    • You've accomplished a lot in the last [too] many years in the workforce. It is impressive how many tough bosses, grand wins, difficult projects, and impressive achievements you've survived. Now you can use it as story telling for younger generations instead of as convincing evidence to your superiors. Whew! Sharing your past with those around you is a great way to celebrate the efforts you've put forth to get to where you are today.
  2. Looking forward
    • What is most likely on your mind is the future adventures you are going to have now that you are retired! You can travel during non-holiday times of the year. You can sleep in on weekdays. You can pick up that hobby you never had time for or read that book on your bucket list. So much time and so much fun to be had! Looking forward to the many new challenges and adventures can keep you hungry and keep life interesting regardless of your age.
  3. Living in the moment
    • With no agenda, deadlines, or rules, you can do all of those things you wanted to... or not. No one is going to make you and if you change your mind because you feel like it, you can do that too! Relax and take it one day at a time any way you wish. It is a great way to live life to the fullest and enjoy every hour without worrying about what comes next.
I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving too and have more holiday family time to come!

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