Now and Then: Feminism Categories That Hurt Us*

I'm inspired this week not only by the Supreme Court ruling on Gay Marriage but also Jurassic World coming out in theaters. Over the weekend I watched the original Jurassic Park... for the first time. I know, it may be as great an insult as not seeing Star Wars, but it was just one of those I hadn't seen all the way through. My reaction after watching this? NO WONDER WHY FEMINISTS ARE ANGRY; THIS WAS FEMINISM IN THE 90'S AND WE ARE WHERE NOW? Back then you could make comments (the chivalry moment) but it didn't change the character from being badass. Take the Alien 1 movie too. Or the Terminator movie. That is feminism. That is being who you want without consequence. That is being treated equally and no one even freaking noticing. Nowadays anytime a comment like that is mentioned you are instantly put into one of three categories:
  1. Crazy Feminist
    • Equality? I bet you wish women didn't have boobs; then we'd be equal. I bet your dreams consist of men on leashes vacuuming your house for you. Why do you want special treatment, you can make babies, isn't that special enough? Why are you trying to turn the world upside down?
  2. Anti-Feminist
    • Men and women have had a good thing going for a long time, splitting responsibilities. They belong in the kitchen, seen and not heard, while men protect them. If they aren't pretty or pregnant they should be killed.
  3. Lesbian
    • If you love another woman then you must care more about your partner's rights than your own. Your priorities are on making your homosexual relationship work and so any heterosexual questions, including work and social ones, are ignored and not important.
WTF?! Putting people in a blame category just makes this whole feminism movement worse. It doesn't matter WHAT your opinion is, we just want equality and then we want to be left alone. We want the fact that we are a woman to be an afterthought; we want you to not worry about if we'll sue after you say something rude. We want you to feel comfortable solving problems with us without asking how we're feeling. We want to be paid the same for our efforts without you thinking we are saving up to leave the company for kids.

We don't want a feminist movement at all. Let's start by getting rid of these labels and just be grateful and respectful of our differences, our strengths, and our actions. Be who you are, love who you want, and treat everyone the same by not putting us in box that is racist or sexist.

*Disclaimer: This post is a bit of a rant and although it reflects my beliefs, it is written in such a way to accentuate extreme views.

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