Finding Something in Common: 3 Ways to Make Friends with Those You Don't Want As Friends

It is always about half way through the second week that the small talk turns a bit more personal. You've covered the weather, local restaurants, feelings about the project, etc. and you're out of polite conversation. It's not that you aren't friendly but you know that you won't ever see these people again after the project is over. So how much do you share about yourself? What types of questions can you ask to keep conversations at a safe distance?

  1. Local Weekend Vacation Spots
    • Telling a good story can easily go on for many minutes and if you are visiting a client long term, then asking about what to do for fun on the weekends can be two sided. Do you go to the local state park, the near-by waterway, downtown bars, or the museum? Close or far? It is a friendly topic that you can learn about someone else on a personal level, what they like and don't like, without getting awkward.
  2. Movies
    • There is always something new coming to the local theater near you (like Jurassic World or Inside Out this week!). Whether you like romance or action, silly or serious, there is probably something you can share about a favorite actor/actress or director. A lot of movies these days are remakes or sequels or TV shows are still safe topics. This is great too because you can search or watch something new in your hotel at night to to brush up on their favorites if you need to take that extra step to make friends.
  3. Sports
    • This does have the stipulation of actually knowing about sports, but if you hit a nerve you can have a great thing in common that will forever be a go-to conversation starter. I love football (as you know from reading my blog), but if you talk about college basketball, you've lost me. Even if it's not your thing though, it may be theirs and they will be happy to talk about their trips to the stadium, trading players, and whatever other gossip is in the news.

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