How to Talk Someone Out Of It: 3 Questions to ask that will convince your Customer

One of the toughest parts of my new job, or really any job, is talking a client out of something they want. Whether that is a process they don't want to change, a product they don't want to upgrade, or the color of a feature, when you know what you want, you want it! And sometimes it doesn't matter what it takes to get it. But other times? It does. What do you think about these probing questions?
  1. Why do you use it that way now?
    • Sometimes the answer is "because I've always done it this way" but whether the answer is a good one or not, it tells you where the stubbornness is coming from. Is it resistance to change that simply needs an emotional padding? Or is it a key factor in the efficiency of another integrated part of the business?
  2. How much more will you pay for that?
    • Put the ball back in their side of the court and say, "Sure, but it will cost you this much extra". If the want is important enough, no matter how "silly" you might feel it is, the truth may come out when you ask them to prioritize funding. Money can brings out the best (and worst) of people so let it do the talking!
  3. Given the options, what would you prefer?
    • Sometimes it is simply the Paradox of Choice that you need to control. Having too many options or too few options that lead to unhappy customers. Simplify! If you break it down and give only 2 or 3 choices, some of the natural stress is reduced. Then together you can look at the options in an objective way and make intelligent decisions that work for both sides.

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