Dear Jeans Industry: Drop the Rivets!

Not unlike many Americans, I am allergic to nickel. Most people discover this when they pierce their ears but for me I guess it must be a pretty high sensitivity because even the metal grommets on the corners of jean pockets make me break out in an itchy terrible rash. Why are they even on there!?! So I have a few options, cover/replace the metal or buy only pants without metal rivets; and you'd be surprised by how frustrating an experience it is! Aren't there other methods of sewing pocket corners? Why don't jeans companies change?
  1. That's the way its been done since 1872
    • To be fair, they probably buy this item by the tonne and probably pay fractions on the penny for each pair of jeans that use them. They are part of the esteemed supply chain and hard to change. But wouldn't they save millions more by not having them at all? Look at the business potential!
  2. It's a fashion statement
    • I've seen tons of jeans with metal rivet designs covering entire pockets and some going up and down the pant leg. Where is the originality in that? Get out of the ordinary box and look for creativity that doesn't fit in with the expectations of others... including your competitors.
  3. Reinforcement of weak points
    • Sure, you can try and argue that there is a risk of pants splitting, tearing, and fraying at these critical junctions. The fact thought is I have yet to experience anything beyond normal wear and year of wearing jeans, a hearty material in the first place. The right thing to do though in making a good product is to meet project needs and not overspend or over-deliver the original project scope.
If you know of a brand that consistently doesn't put metal grommets or rivets on them, please let me know below in the comments!!!

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