Being Recognized: 3 Simple Ways that Paying Attention Goes a Long Way

I got back from a long trip (over a whole month) and when I walked into the office Monday morning, I was surprised to be greeted by so many "Welcome Back!"s. It made me feel really special because it wasn't a "Where have you been" or "I haven't seen you in a while", instead it was more of a "Glad to see you". I love working at a company that has colleagues that I would consider friends. A little verbal recognition goes a long way and here are three other things you can say that can turn a work environment from blah to yeah.
  1. "Good job"
    • Coming from anyone whether a colleague, manager, or meeting room, a congratulation of good job can mean a lot. I know most people want it to be specific but it doesn't have to be every time. If you simply seek an individual out to say these words to them, to their face, the effort enough is worth something.
  2. "Have a good night"
    • When you leave for the day, whether at 5:00 on the dot or after the lights start to dim, stopping by the cubes of anyone still there is a good practice. It shows them that 1) You notice they are working hard (or too hard if it is so late), and that 2) you are leaving (which means it's okay if they leave too). Sometimes it is hard to set down the deadlines. Just remember that all of that work and all of those problems will still be there for you tomorrow. Get some rest because it is good for you. It really is okay to leave it be for the night.
  3. "What are you doing for lunch?"
    • This one is kind of an open invitation that you may not be ready for but I feel like lunch is a safe and friendly commitment. Lunch is usually a set time, a cheap meal, and busy and laid back enough to not be weird even if one on one with someone new. You learn a lot about someone from the food they like to eat and how adventurous they are and how they treat the surroundings like carpooling or smiling at the waitress. And you don't have to extend a repeat invite if you don't want to. ;-)
Hope you are having a good summer so far!

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