Couldn't Do It Without You: 3 Reasons to be Know You're Special

Inspired by Mother's Day this week, here's a post to help you think about how lucky you have it. There have been some pretty sweet commercials for Mother's Day this year and your mom really is someone unique and special to you. It makes me think of how many people in my life and career have been amazing. I wouldn't be who I am today without people like my coworkers, my friends, and especially my Mom. Do you have a special figure in your life that you look up to and are motherly, loving, and supportive?

  1. What have you done that enabled me?
    • Is there something you are doing today that you couldn't do if someone else didn't help you get there? I know my Mom pushed me into tough Math classes in school. My mentor referred me to speak at that conference. My significant other picked up the slack when I got laid off. In hindsight, there are a lot of things that I wouldn't have (or couldn't have) done if I didn't have someone else secretly (and fervently) fighting for me.
  2. What have you done that shows unconditional devotion?
    • Sometimes we screw up. Sometimes we make bad decisions. Sometimes we make the right decision for us but someone else sees it as the wrong one. And yet it is usually all okay. The people that forgive you for your mistakes, those that give you a second chance and believe in your character, trusting you're better than that; they are worth so much. 
  3. What do you support me in that no one else does?
    • Who is that little voice that whispers "You can do it" or "Try it anyways"? We doubt ourselves all the time, wondering if it we made the right choice or not. Be thankful for those that see you as someone worthy of respect and greatness and offer confidence that you are on the right path. Be thankful for those that push you to be more than who you think you are on your own.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!

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