People That Rejuvenate You: 3 Types of People

I had a few lunch meetings in the last two weeks and there is just something about some people that makes you feel good after you hang out with them. I feel grateful to have some of these people in my life so thank you shoutout to Miranda, Jung, Jeanne, Guy, and the ladies of Butler County. I leave feeling rejuvenated after we simply share personal stories about our families, personal challenges, or just plain gossip. Typically it is because these special people are one of these types to me:
  1. Optimistic
    • Maybe misery loves company, but I would choose a friend with a you-can-get-through-this attitude any day. That friend's shoulder is for the tears, the complaints, and the drama with no regrets. I love these people that always look on the bright side no matter what; it helps us remember how good we have it now and make those challenges ahead look less fierce.
  2. Fun
    • Sometimes all you need is to have a good time. That shopping trip, couple of beers, or remember-to-be-a-kid joy of a silly movie. I always feel ready to take on the world with a smile after I've maxed out my fun level. No matter how grumpy of a face is looking at me today, yesterday was awesome and you can't ruin that wave.
  3. Resourceful
    • Then there are those people that you look up to. They make smart decisions and give sound advice. They seem to know everyone and offer to help you in any way they can. I don't know how they do it! But they are always there and it makes you want to be a better person and make better choices yourself.
photo credit: Celebrate 6 via photopin (license)

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