Football or Futbol? What your preference in sports says about you

Even if you are only getting updates from the Daily Google Doodle, you know that the World Cup 2014 (soccer) is in full swing. It is the biggest sport in the world but I can't help but say that I still prefer American football and am impatiently waiting for September kickoffs. I heard one commentator on the radio say something along the lines of one has violence on the field and the other has it in the stadium. I have to agree... but do you? What else does your sports watching habit say about what kind of person you are to work with?
  1. Team player
    • All soccer players practice the same basic skills: kick the ball. Defense, offense, even goalie requires ball control with your feet. In football, the quarterback throws, defense block, receivers catch, and kickers well, kick. There are very different skills that don't translate as easily from one position to the other. On a team, do you prefer to all have the same skills working toward the same goal, or do you prefer to have a team where everyone relies on one another for different specializations?rec
  2. Points
    • Soccer is simple: if the ball goes in the goal (by any player) it scores one point. Football is different depending on what side of the field you are on, if you are kicking or running, and what happened the previous play (i.e. "going for 2"). Having multiple types of goals with various values may be harder for your team to work together towards and multitask to meet deadlines but the higher scoring games means things can change at any moment. In soccer, a goal is a goal and everyone knows when to cheer.
  3. Fandom
    • I'm not going to say that soccer is more exotic but there are exponentially more countries that play the sport. They all speak their own languages, have their own weather patterns, cultures and tactics. And through it all the game doesn't change at all. Fans can root for their country with a whole different level of fierceness, passion, and national pride and it shows. Football fans might dress up crazy but players change hands in the draft, play fantasy versions, and move from city to city. Are you in it to win it in the short term or are you a long-term pension earner?

And no matter which game you watch, you can complain about the refs, right? ;-) Safety and rules of the game come first! Go USA!

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