What is Your Necessity for Productivity and Happiness? 3 Things That You Cannot Function Without

This past week has been an emotional roller-coaster for me a bit. The job market is still tough even in January which is beginning to make the job search a bit wearisome for me. Overall though, I am surprising myself by my upbeat attitude towards it all. Is my positive attitude attributed to staying busy by learning German, studying for my PMP, walking the dog, preparing for a Toastmasters competition, and writing a book? No, I don't think so. I think the root cause is that I am getting lots of sleep. I love my sleep and it makes me a happier and more productive person. What is your key to success that just keeps you from crashing?
  1. Food
    • I think this is a popular switch. A hungry person can become a twitchy, angry, and unfocused person (ever witnessed a Snickers commercial IRL?). Eating too much can put you in a food coma which can be equally detrimental to your work. Does food affect your productivity the most? A hunger state or a specific food can be the trigger. Coffee? Gluten-free breakfast or 3pm snack? Maybe something specific gets the creative juices flowing for you and you can't work without it.
  2. Shelter
    • Your surroundings can have a big impact on your ability to get work done. There are many great posts that explain the importance of home office decor and I don't think it is a lie. Do you work better in a busy and loud coffee shop? Do you like the peace and quiet of a distraction-free office cube? Or are you "au naturale" and find it motivational to work outdoors? Knowing what space calms you down so you can focus can make all the difference.
  3. Clothing
    • I'm not going to lie, wearing heels makes me feel more important. Whether your office is strict or you dress casually working from home, what you wear can influence your mindset on how much you have to get done that day. Does wearing a suit jacket make you sit up straighter and feel like a boss or does the scratchy material make you count the seconds to get out of it?
It seems silly that something as simple as a granola bar, a lamp, or lipstick can make us energetic and cheerful. What is your secret factor that, if it's not right you can't get anything done right? What can you not do without?

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