When Do You Know You're Ready? 3 Ways to Assure Yourself You Are

There are few TV shows that I watch religiously every week and the one I always tune in to is the dashing Nathan Fillion in ABC's Castle. Even though the series has a too familiar plot cadence by now, I can't help falling in love with the bad jokes and serious life lessons. This week I was inspired by Beckett and Ryan and their resistance and fear to having kids. There is so much unknown and yet every action and decision affects a little life form! How do you know you are ready? Are you ever ready for those big life steps? Turning 40, taking a new job, getting married, or buying a house... these designated milestones are scary!

  1. Just do it
    • This Nike slogan is the way I deal with many difficult decisions. Take a deep breath, say "yes" and don't look back. Once you take the leap, you immediately stop worrying about "what if" and start dealing with the consequences instead! Then when you look back on the adventure, you feel proud of what you've accomplished.
  2. Say no
    • Maybe it is not for you. A "no" can be just as permanent an answer as any if you stick to it. It is strange that when you say "no", you are often met with a "why not?" and a "yes" answer is rarely questioned. Don't back down and be swayed. Stay true to yourself and know why you said the first answer. It will allow you to say "yes" to many other wonderful things instead!
  3. Don't avoid it
    • Whatever it is, make a conscious choice. Don't default out of it because even doing nothing is a decision that has implications. Make a pro and con list, consult friends and family, go with your gut feeling - all of these techniques can help you get off the fence and give a final answer.
Yes or no. Sometimes it is that simple. Breaking it down to a "will you, won't you" should make things easier. Share a time that you faced a huge step that you initially balked at and then moved on!

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