Is change always good? How can you avoid bad change?

Brocade got a new CEO this week! A big welcome to Lloyd Carney and the coming growth of Brocade, SDN technology, and the networking industry. One of the best things in my opinion that Lloyd said about joining is his first order of business is to listen and learn. I completely respect that - how can you change for the better if you don't know what you are changing? It might be something that was better before you touched it! How can you prevent "bad change" from happening in your life?
  1. Ask
    • Listen and learn can be done through silent observation or a fully engaged rampage of questions. Asking questions is a better way to showing others respect and that you are open-minded. Oh, and smile! :-)
  2. Share
    • In most instances, our first impressions and gut-feelings have some serious control our ultimate final decisions. (Recommended read: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell) If you ever want to be convinced otherwise by real evidence, you need to talk aloud about your thoughts and ideas. Then you can learn if it's already been done before, if it has unforeseen road blocks, or there are modifications to your intended actions that can make the change even better than initially!
  3. Be accountable
    • Say what you mean and do what you say. Trust and respect is earned not given and even a stunning track record, a seasoned expert, or you, need to start on the right foot on Day 1 like it is Day 1. Otherwise, no matter what change you wish to implement it won't be accepted or executed.
I'd like to share one of my favorite quotes with you:
Change and rising expectations are the only constants in life.
(Peter Sheahan)
Do you agree with this? Do you think change is always good?

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