A Book Review: David and Goliath

David and Goliath
by Malcomb Gladwell

I really enjoy Gladwell's books because he weaves stories with purpose. In this book he starts with the book's title but goes on to share stories of overcoming challenges in autism, religious views, and fights for human rights. Time and time again Gladwell shows that it isn't the cards you are dealt but how you play them. You can overcome any weakness and turn it into a strength if you make it so.

  1. Momentum is harder to kill than acceleration
    • Struggles or flat out shortcomings as necessary to gain success. In one story, Gladwell interviews people about losing one's parents early in life as a necessary evil in developing key characteristics. Does that mean they wish such horror on anyone else? Of course not! The point is that they learned to keep moving and not only get past the hard part but straight on into success.
  2. Keep your goals above your competition
    • If you compare yourself to your neighbors, you've selected a small data set. Most people believe they're above the average, funnier than they are, and lucky. Don't doubt your efforts because there is something in the way you do things that makes you a David among Goliaths. Gladwell shares stories of college A+ students and basketball winning athletic prowess that sound unthinkable but instead are people that are simply determined and smart placements.
  3. Statistically, once is not never
    • Gladwell tells many stories of greatness and great sorrow. He talked about those that  experienced near death bombings during wartime and how they felt invisible. If you are ever faced what what looks like the impossible or improbable, don't be so sure! There is no recipe for success. Instead of trying to find the cause for success, fight for what you believe in, follow your heart, and try to be that one in the million that proves everyone else wrong.

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