3 Ways to Deal with The Worst News Ever

Diverging a bit from my regular blog posts, this month I'd like to share a few personal stories that have been my INspiration lately. This week, it is about my, well, politely said, "opportunity in disguise". The hard truth is that I was laid off last week due to company downsizing. It is a shock and a little bit of a emotional roller-coaster but I'm staying positive in that something better will come out of this. It has only been a week and so I don't have a lot to report but it definitely is consuming my energy. So far, whenever I'm on the brink of tears I just remind myself of these 3 things and then I'm fine again.
  1. Lean on your support system
    • Don't be afraid to rely on the people around you. That is why they are there and they love you. They will help get you through this. This is hard for me to do because I am a very self-sufficient person and proud of it but when I came home to dinner and wine that night it made me feel special. It helps to feel that you don't have to do it all, all the time. Let the people that love you remind you of that and let them take care of you for a bit.
  2. Find a new routine
    • The first thing I did was sign up for a gym class during the day that I've always wanted to try. Yes, it costs money but having something to regularly get myself out of the house is really important to stay moving and motivated. We all strive for control so if you are the one making decisions and choosing to do new and unfamiliar things, you will find strength to conquer it.
  3. Just keep swimming
    • Like Dory in Finding Nemo, the best way to deal with the fear of the unknown is to trigger your muscle memory bank and keep going with familiar habits. For me, that is setting my alarm every morning and keeping a weekly to-do list just like I do on the job. Staying organized and self-motivated is more important now than ever and your attitude will show when you have those next job opportunities.
I think everyone that has survived a layoff wears it as a badge of honor. I intend to do the same after I'm through with this "battle". Have you been through a layoff? What advice do you have for me and others going through this?

Edited: Read about my advice after the fact in my 4 part blog post on unemployment.

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