Did You Know That You Are Creative?

Last week I published a review of Made to Stick. I think this book is read not only by marketing professionals but really anyone that wants to add a little creative spice to their work. What I've found though when talking to people is that not many people (except explicit artists), consider themselves to be "creative". Well, throw all that thinking away because I am here to say YOU ARE.
"If you're a great spotter, you'll always trump a great creator. Why? Because the world will always produce more great ideas than any single individual, even the most creative one." -Made to Stick

  1. Borrow it
    • Honestly, borrowing someone else's genius idea is genius too. You recognize it is something awesome that can be repeated. Remember being kids in paint class yelling "No copying!" Well copying is a form of flattery... and really, did your fish's blue stripes ever look the same as the original? It is creative to borrow great ideas because you make them great again!
  2. Recycle it
    • You can easily recycle a old idea and reuse it in a new situation. There are tons of ideas of Pinterest that come up with unique ways to use old jeans, binder clips, and wine bottle corks. Just clear out a closet, find something you bought and never used, and actually use it! That is being creative because you are using it for a purpose you didn't originally intend it for!
  3. Combine it
    • Creative doesn't mean you have to come up with a brand new idea that no one has ever thought of before. Creativity is also combining any number of "regular" ideas and making them into something new. Facebook is a hit because it combines technology and the little black book. Even a poster slogan or website design can be a combination of ordinary already used ideas that turn into another singular creative masterpiece.
For a fun twist on creativity, I also highly recommend this TED talk by IDEO CEO on Creativity and Play. So now answer the question: Are you creative?

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