How can you start making a dent in your "to do" list when you only have 10 minutes? Today, I was motivated by this post by Project Eve and my friend Miranda's recommendation of the book Switch. When you feel overwhelmed with too much to do, you don't know where to begin! I think daily my boyfriend says he is "too busy" to help clean the house. The point of today's post is that a little goes a long way. Here are some ideas:
  1. Just start it
    • If you remember my post on resolutions, starting a good habit is harder than stopping a bad habit. So if you can hold yourself accountable to take the first step and not worry about the second, you'll be surprised how much you'll get done. My workout trainer says "you can do anything for 30 seconds" and I think the same is true for when it is "only 10 minutes".
  2. Add it up
    • The funny thing about 10 minutes is that you only get 3 of them in a half hour. Any amount of time can be broken up into smaller, doable chunks. Then at the end of the day, or hour, you can add it up and be surprised with what you accomplished. Why do you ever procrastinate when you can be this successful in 10 minutes? It's just like penny fundraiser drives that end up building a brand new school playground (true story!) - every little bit matters.
  3. Finish the unfinished
    • Some people have trouble finishing what they started and applying yourself for only 10 minutes can solve this problem too! Having something to show for efforts is a ego boost and you deserve that virtual pat-on-the-back, don't you? Pick the low hanging fruit at the bottom of your priority list and spend 10 minutes closing it out.
So, how do you think I wrote this blog post today? Exactly this! Picking a topic is the hard part and then I did one bullet at a time, one foot in front of the other. I started early and was surprised by how much time in my day I still had left to accomplish the other things still on my list. Try it today!
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